I have joined the 100 Day Project this year. The 100 Day Project is a challenge to do 100 of something. It could be art or writing or photography or quilting or fingernails. I chose little drawings of tiny bugs. Tiny because it allows me to actually complete at least 1 a day and bugs because they are kind of cool and it was different.
I’m hoping to improve my pen sketching skills and I intend to color the majority of them using watercolor and/or colored pencils so I’ll get more practice with those mediums as well.
All of my tiny drawings will be on 2 inch square pieces of watercolor paper. Also known as Twinchies. If you are interested in following along with my progress check out my Tiny Troll Studios Instagram. I’m using the hashtag #100tinybugs on all of my project drawings.
So far on my bug list I have:
- butterflies
- dragonflies
- bees
- moths
What bugs am I missing that you’d like to see me draw and paint?
How about fireflies, ladybugs or caterpillars? 🙂
I actually just drew a ladybug but I haven’t colored it yet. Ooh fireflies!
I’m almost thinking caterpillars could be their own 100 days project – there are so many of them.
True! What about ants or spiders?
Oh ants might be fun. I think I’ll leave the spiders out though. 😀 I don’t want to terrorize anyone – myself included.