Do you remember my favorite little ladybug from the 100 Day Project? If you’ve been following me at all over the last year then you’ve probably seen it a few times. Well, I decided to turn it into a cute pattern print for my Society6 shop. Continue reading “Lucky Ladybug”
Category: Art
Yellow Flower Love on Society6
Some of my followers will be happy to know that I’ve decided to set up shop on Society6. Society6 is a site that allows artists to upload their art to be sold on numerous consumer goods. Things like pillows, coffee mugs, wall clocks, shower curtains, etc. They will also sell prints and I like that feature as well. Continue reading “Yellow Flower Love on Society6”
Tiny Mixed Media Collages
I do love my tiny art. Mostly because I can create something in a relatively short amount of time. I still have to wait for layers to dry but it’s much easier to wait for a 3″ square to dry than a larger piece.
Another thing I like with smaller works is not having to worry about things like mixing up enough of a paint color. In fact I often have a little bit of leftover paint. Have you ever been painting something large and you’ve mixed the perfect color but you run out about 80% of the way along? I don’t enjoy that scramble to mix up some more of the same color. Continue reading “Tiny Mixed Media Collages”
Some tiny bonsai trees
In my search for fun little things to draw and paint I decided bonsai trees might be fun. Actually, drawing and painting tiny bonsai trees is fun. Continue reading “Some tiny bonsai trees”
Flower Artwork
I’ve been trying to create more flower artwork. I enjoy the technical aspect of it and flowers are a popular art form that people always seem to enjoy. Here are a few of my recent creations. These were all done on 3″ x 3″ squares of Canson XL Watercolor paper. Continue reading “Flower Artwork”
October Art Challenge – #Inktober
On my personal art Instagram account I participated in the Inktober art challenge in October. Inktober has been around for several years now – it was originally started in 2009 by artist Jake Parker. I’ve seen a lot of people participate over the years but this was the first year I joined the challenge.
I decided I wanted to blend Zentangle patterns with ink drawings and for the most part I felt I was successful with that. Continue reading “October Art Challenge – #Inktober”
The Inchie Challenge

#100TinyBugs – The Wrap Up

I was going to make a fun little video of all my bugs but that didn’t work out. I was going to make a cool infographic about my bugs but that also hasn’t panned out. Who needs that stuff for a post? Not me – I can make this wrap up fun anyway right? Well, fun if you like to see numbers.
Since it wouldn’t be much of a wrap up without some fun stats here are some numbers for you. Out of the 100 tiny bugs 45 of them were beetles, 34 were butterflies and moths, and 21 were a variety of other insects and one arachnid. In the end I wasn’t too surprised about almost half of my bugs being beetles. I originally thought I would do a lot more butterflies but I enjoyed the variety and colors of the beetles more.
What about colors? I did manage to use a good range of colors. Oddly enough the color I used most was orange and/or yellow. In so many cases the oranges and yellows were mixed together on the bugs so I just grouped them. Blue came in at 20 and green was close behind at 18. Those numbers don’t surprise me since I love those colors. At times I had to stop myself from painting yet another blue bug.
One of the oddest things to me was my most popular bug post. Instagram is a bit odd with it’s ever changing algorithms but for some reason my cicada post garnered 167 likes.

Some great things happened for me during this project. I did gain a lot of great followers on my Instagram but the best part for me was how the daily process of drawing and painting a bug helped me to establish a daily art practice. Since this project ended I’ve not only been creating and posting art daily I feel like I’ve upped my game. My confidence in my technical drawing has grown and now I’m moving into other, more challenging areas. My watercolor skills improved significantly as well. I’m starting to realize that doing something every day for 3+ months will truly establish your skill base. The whole learning by doing thing.
Anyway, this concludes my #100TinyBugs project. If you missed any of my bugs or you just want to check them out you can always look at all of my bugs here. I made a hashtag for them so they are all grouped together. Thanks for sharing this adventure with me. It’s been amazing.
#100TinyBugs – Bugs 81 Through 100
My 100 Day Project is done and dusted. Here are bugs 81 to 100 for your enjoyment. Continue reading “#100TinyBugs – Bugs 81 Through 100”
#100TinyBugs – 61 through 80
I’ll be wrapping up my #100TinyBugs for The 100 Day Project shortly so I want to get all these bugs posted for everyone to see. Here are bugs 61 through 80 for your enjoyment.

Just to mix things up I’m breaking up the bugs this time by top down view vs. not top down view. I really like the top down view for it’s symmetry but I also find that it’s a limited view. It doesn’t show just how interesting some of the bug shapes are. Usually the top down views are referencing specimen photos. I think scientists and collectors really like to take top down specimen photos. I certainly like it because there are literally thousands of them out there for me to use as a reference.

I did 11 bugs in various profile views. I even did two from the front – the one and only spider out of all 100 bugs and one leaf hopper with a giant face. One other unique “bug” out of this 20 was actually a chrysalis. I just figured I’d give it a go. Also, look at that adorable ladybug!

This set of 20 bugs included 3 bugs with distinctly pink color in them. A lot of bugs hint at pink but the spider, beetle, and moth all had some serious pink hues going on.

I hope you enjoyed these 20 bugs. I’ll post 81 through 100 next week. As always you can also view all of my bug pictures on my Instagram account. Thanks for joining me on this fun adventure.