I was recently on Instagram and someone mentioned they were reading the book Sketch! and the image of the book intrigued me enough that I looked it up. As a result I decided I had to have it and happily it is the subject of my first book review.
Sketch!: The Non-Artist’s Guide to Inspiration, Technique, and Drawing Daily Life by France Belleville-Van Stone is an enjoyable read. I read through the book over the course of a couple of afternoons. It was easy to read while I watched my dogs run around in the back yard.
The book is filled with imagery and wonderful little stories to go with them. The biggest take away for myself was reading how the author came to grips with sketches being small, transient things created during moments in time. The few minutes while you wait for your order or sit in a waiting room or even while cooking dinner. It can be difficult to come to grips with tossing an image or knowing that what you’ve drawn on is going to be thrown away. I think there is a freedom in allowing your sketches and doodles to become disposable like that.
Has the book inspired me to sketch more frequently? I would have to say yes. I may not be sketching on scraps of whatever is laying about just yet but I’m certainly sketching with a lot more frequency.