I just posted bug #53 on Instagram this morning but I want to focus these posts on smaller groups so here are the first 20 bugs I did for my 100 Day Project – #100TinyBugs – all in order. I feel I started to hit my stride around the 8th bug.

The majority of the bugs ended up being butterflies. There may be one moth in there but I’m finding that a lot of the insects I think are moths are actually butterflies.

I did six other bugs because I really do want to draw all sorts of insects and not just butterflies. Honestly I find the beetles a lot more interesting to draw and paint.

I’m still totally embarrassed by that first ladybug but that’s part of the learning process I suppose. At this point though I’m pleased with the progress I’m making and I’m certainly more confident in my drawing and watercolor skills. If you’d like to see all of my little bugs you can check them out on my Instagram.