Time for another bug post so here are bugs 21 through 40 of my #100TinyBugs for The 100 Day Project.

I only did 6 butterflies and one moth during this 20. I enjoy drawing and painting the butterflies but during this period they were still very challenging for me. You can see from these butterflies that I was picking ones with few colors or simple patterns.

What I did enjoy drawing and painting though were beetles. During these 20 bug drawings I discovered that beetles are my favorite bugs by far. The variety of shapes and all of the colors are just amazing and they don’t tend to creep me out like so many other bugs.

I did a few other types of bugs as well. A bee, ant, dragonfly and a huge praying mantis.

These little guys were my 4 favorites from this set of 20. I liked the little ladybug so much I entered it in a tiny art competition on Dick Blick. With all of the beetles I started to feel like I was finally grasping some of the nuances of watercolor.
The praying mantis looks so much better in person and does not photograph well at all. It actually has iridescent paint to mirror the iridescence on the wings and for some reason that does not come through in my photos. I might have to read up on how to photograph that sort of thing.

And once again you can see all of my bugs on my Instagram. Thanks for checking them out!